Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Cara Membuat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Talking to People at EDD

A: Hey there, how are you doing?
B: I am great. How are you?
A: Well, I got laid off, and I'm looking for work.
B: Yeah, me too! What are you thinking you would like to do?
A: Right now, I'll take about anything that will pay the mortgage.
B: Have you gone out on any interviews so far?
A: I went out on one interview, but I haven't heard back from them.
B: Did you see the posting for the electrician apprentice program?
A: You know, I saw that and it looks pretty good!
B: Let's go check it out again!

A: How are things going with you?
B: I am doing well. What's up with you?
A: Believe it or not, the company I worked for closed down, so I'm out of a job.
B: The same with me. Have you given much thought to what you want to do next?
A: I am not being all that particular right now because I just need to keep a roof over my head.
B: How about interviews? Have you been on any of those yet?
A: I wish that I could get the opportunity to be interviewed.
B: How about the electrician program that they have listed over there?
A: I read about that, and the position sounded great!
B: Let's go see how we can apply for those positions.

A: I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?
B: Things are going fairly well. How about you?
A: I'm hanging in there, but I lost my job and need to find another one quickly.
B: I am looking for a job myself. What were you thinking of doing next?
A: I am just trying to find something that will pay the bills until this bad economy passes by.
B: Have you gotten any interviews yet?
A: No, I haven't been out on one interview yet.
B: Have you thought about the electrician program over there?
A: I think that I might be interested in that position.
B: I think we should go over there and see if we can apply for that program.

Percakapan Singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Looking for Jobs at EDD

A: I was wondering if you could go over the services available at EDD to help me get a job.
B: The best opportunity is called CalJOBS, which is an Internet-based job placement service that you can make use of.
A: Do I have to have a computer at home?
B: There are computers at our EDD offices for you to use in your job search.
A: Do you have any other services available?
B: We have information available about the job market as well as workshops.
A: What kinds of workshops are available at the EDD?
B: We have workshops in Resume Writing and Interviewing, to name a few.
A: Are there other places, outside of EDD, that I may look for work?
B: College job placement services can help.

A: I heard that EDD has special services to help me get a job.
B: CalJOBS is a great Internet-based placement service that is available to you.
A: I don't have access to a computer.
B: There is an area at the EDD Center that is set up with computers for you to make use of.
A: Is there anything else at the EDD offices to help me with my job search?
B: We can provide you with information that will help you understand what is available. We also provide workshops.
A: If I go to EDD in person, what type of workshops might I find there?
B: Our two most important workshops are Resume Writing and Interviewing.
A: What are some other places where I might look for work?
B: Job fairs are popular places to look for work.

A: Do you have any job placement services at EDD?
B: The first thing that you should check out is CalJobs, which is a great Internet-based placement service that you can use.
A: What about people who don't have a computer?
B: You can search for jobs on the computers at the EDD offices.
A: What else is there at the EDD offices that can help me with my job search?
B: We can help you find local information about available jobs and workshops.
A: What are the different workshops that are available at the EDD offices?
B: Resume Writing and Interviewing are our two most popular workshops.
A: Can you think of some other places where I may look for work?
B: Many times there are special services available to certain groups like Women at Work or job help for non-English speakers.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari tentang Reduced Payment

A: Is there someone I can talk to about a payment question?
B: Yes, we can handle that here. How can I help you?
A: My paycheck that just arrived is less than last week's check.
B: Did you work at all during the last pay period?
A: Yes, actually, I did make a little bit of money.
B: Did you report it on your Continued Claim Form?
A: Yes, I showed that income on the Continued Claim Form.
B: Well, we deducted a portion of the income that you made from this week's check.
A: Maybe I just shouldn't show the income then.
B: That is cheating and, if you get caught, you will be fined and disqualified from collecting unemployment.

A: I have a question about my payment and need someone to help me.
B: Yes, I would be happy to answer a question about payment. What do you need help with?
A: I can't figure out why my paycheck this week is smaller than last week's.
B: Did you generate any income during that time period?
A: I made a little bit of money, but not much.
B: Did that income show up on your last Continued Claim Form?
A: I claimed the work I did on the last Continued Claim Form.
B: When you are able to find work and get paid, we always take away part of your check.
A: That being the case, I don't think that I am going to show the income next time.
B: Don't do it! If you get caught making false statements, you can have your claim closed.

A: I was wondering if someone in your office could help me with a question I have about my payment.
B: I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
A: My paycheck seems to be smaller than the one I received last week.
B: What about income? Did you make any money during that period?
A: My old employer gave us a couple days of work during that period.
B: When you filled out your Continued Claim Form, did you show that income?
A: Of course I wrote down the work that I had done on the Continued Claim Form.
B: What happens is, when you make money, we take part of your benefits away.
A: I am not going to show any income from now on then.
B: I wouldn't do that if I were you. There is a severe penalty if you get caught making false statements.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


 Apakah anda sudah mahir untuk berbicara bahasa inggris??? jika masih belum, mari bergabung bersama kami di KURSUS BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT BALI. Kami siap membantu anda untuk bisa fasih berbicara bahasa inggris dalam beberapa kali pertemuan tanpa harus menghafal rumus, kosakata dan grammar.
Hanya 16x pertemuan atau 24x pertemuan saja, sudah dijamin bisa!!!!
100% bahasa inggris percakapan sehingga Anda lebih cepat untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.bahkan dalam 5xbelajar saja Anda sudah merasakan kemajuan yang luar biasa.
Garansi Uang kembali jika anda tidak mahir berbicara Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. SATU SISWA, SATU TUTOR serta TIDAK PAKE LEVEL DAN HAFALAN. dan juga, WAKTU BELAJAR DITENTUKAN OLEH SISWA SENDIRI (FLEKSIBEL). 
So, tunggu apa lagi, ini kesempatan buat anda untuk bisa mewujudkan mimpinya untuk mahir berbicara bahasa inggris
Paket 16 x pertemuan
Free Accommodation: Kamar double Bed/ Twin Bed, AC, TV LED 32, Hot/Cold Water, room full furniture, Wi-Fi, Parking
Free Airport Pick Up & Transfer.

—-> Tour ke (5 -10 ) Obyek wisata (TBD)
Transports: Jika ingin menyewa, bisa lihat jenis Mobil di http://www.faststudytour.com/cars
Paket 24 x pertemuan
Free Accommodation: Kamar double Bed/ Twin Bed, AC, TV LED 32, Hot/Cold Water, room full furniture, Wi-Fi, Parking
Free Airport Pick Up & Transfer

—-> Tour ke (5 -10 ) Obyek wisata (TBD)
untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut anda bisa hubungi:
Jl. Raya Dalung Permai No. 12 kerobokan-Kuta Utara
Jl. Raya Pemogan Square No. 29-Denpasar
Tel. 0361 900 4456 /HP 081999025588 / 081353311114
LINE/Whatsapp: 082 34060533
Website www.fastenglishtalk.com atau www.fastenglishtalk.net 


A: Are you going to vote?
B: I am so excited to be voting.
A: Do you know who you're going to vote for?
B: I am so impressed with the candidate I'm going to vote for.
A: What's so great about him?
B: I feel that he is very intelligent.
A: Oh, really?
B: Yes, and I agree with all his policies.
A: That's good to hear.
B: I think this man is going to be the next President.
A: I hope so.
B: I'm going to make sure and get my vote in.

A: Will you be voting?
B: I can't wait to vote.
A: Who are you voting for?
B: The person I'm voting for is the best.
A: What do you like about him?
B: He is very intelligent.
A: You think so?
B: That's right. Plus, I agree with his policies.
A: I'm glad to hear that you are so excited.
B: I'm voting for the next President.
A: I'm sure he will be.
B: I'm going to make sure and vote.

A: Are you going to vote this Tuesday?
B: Yes, I am, and I am so excited.
A: Have you figured out who you're going to vote for?
B: I love my candidate.
A: Why is that?
B: My candidate is probably the most intelligent.
A: Is that right?
B: I also agree with all his policies.
A: That's great!
B: I know he's going to be the next President.
A: Hopefully, he will be.
B: I can't wait to vote.


A: Are you going to vote?
B: Yes, but not for the person you're voting for.
A: Why not?
B: I don't like him.
A: What's wrong with him?
B: He's not too smart.
A: That's not true.
B: I don't agree with his policies, either.
A: I think he is a great candidate.
B: I don't think so.
A: I think you should rethink your opinion about him.
B: I have the right to my own opinion.

A: Will you be voting?
B: I won't be voting for the same person as you.
A: Why?
B: I really don't like your candidate.
A: What's your problem with him?
B: I don't find him very smart.
A: He is smart.
B: I also don't agree with his policies.
A: He's a fabulous candidate.
B: That's just your opinion.
A: You shouldn't think poorly of him.
B: I'm entitled to my opinion.

A: You're voting, right?
B: Yes, I am, but I'm not voting for who you're voting for.
A: Why is that?
B: I don't like that candidate.
A: Why don't you like him?
B: I do not find him to be very intelligent.
A: He is very smart.
B: He's not smart, and I don't agree with any of his policies.
A: I think he's the best candidate.
B: But I don't see what you see.
A: You really shouldn't speak so negatively about him.
B: I have my own opinion.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Punya rencana untuk belajar Tour guiding????tapi masih bingung mau belajar dimana???? jangan kuatir Kursus Bahasa Inggris Percakapan Tercepat Bali adalah jawabannya. Kami siap membantu anda mahir berbicara bahasa inggris dalam waktu singkat. tanpa harus menghafal rumus, kosa kata dan grammar.
16x pertemuan atau 24x pertemuan saja, sudah dijamin bisa!!!! jangan tunggu lama, segera bergabung bersama kami di Kursus Bahasa Inggris Percakapan Tercepat (Fast English Talk)
100% bahasa inggris percakapan sehingga Anda lebih cepat untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.bahkan dalam 5xbelajar saja Anda sudah merasakan kemajuan yang luar biasa.
Garansi Uang kembali jika anda tidak mahir berbicara Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. SATU SISWA, SATU TUTOR serta TIDAK PAKE LEVEL DAN HAFALAN. dan juga, WAKTU BELAJAR DITENTUKAN OLEH SISWA SENDIRI (FLEKSIBEL). 
So, tunggu apa lagi, ini kesempatan buat anda untuk bisa mewujudkan mimpinya untuk mahir berbicara bahasa inggris

Paket 16 x pertemuan
Free Accommodation: Kamar double Bed/ Twin Bed, AC, TV LED 32, Hot/Cold Water, room full furniture, Wi-Fi, Parking
Free Airport Pick Up & Transfer.

—-> Tour ke (5 -10 ) Obyek wisata (TBD)
Transports: Jika ingin menyewa, bisa lihat jenis Mobil di http://www.faststudytour.com/cars
Paket 24 x pertemuan
Free Accommodation: Kamar double Bed/ Twin Bed, AC, TV LED 32, Hot/Cold Water, room full furniture, Wi-Fi, Parking
Free Airport Pick Up & Transfer

—-> Tour ke (5 -10 ) Obyek wisata (TBD)

untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut anda bisa hubungi:
Jl. Raya Dalung Permai No. 12 kerobokan-Kuta Utara
Jl. Raya Pemogan Square No. 29-Denpasar
Tel. 0361 900 4456 /HP 081999025588 / 081353311114
LINE/Whatsapp: 082 34060533
Website www.fastenglishtalk.com atau www.fastenglishtalk.net


Demi memajukan Pariwisata yang ada di Supiori-Papua, maka Pemerintah Supiori-Papua mempersiapkan remajanya untuk mahir berbicara bahasa inggris dalam sebuah kegiatan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Supiori-Papua bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Inggris Percakapan Tercepat (FAST ENGLISH TALK) di Bali.
adapun alasan Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Supiori-Papua mempercayakan Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Inggris Percakapan Tercepat (FAST ENGLISH TALK) di Bali untuk melatih Putra/Putri mereka, yaitu karena
hanya 16x pertemuan atau 24x pertemuan saja, sudah dijamin bisa!!!!

serta fasih berbicara bahasa inggris dalam beberapa kali pertemuan tanpa harus menghafal rumus, kosakata dan grammar.
100% bahasa inggris percakapan sehingga Anda lebih cepat untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.bahkan dalam 5xbelajar saja Anda sudah merasakan kemajuan yang luar biasa.
Garansi Uang kembali jika anda tidak mahir berbicara Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. SATU SISWA, SATU TUTOR serta TIDAK PAKE LEVEL DAN HAFALAN. dan juga, WAKTU BELAJAR DITENTUKAN OLEH SISWA SENDIRI (FLEKSIBEL). 
So, tunggu apa lagi, ini kesempatan buat anda  yang ingin mempersiapkan Karyawan/ti anda untuk mahir berbicara bahasa inggris.
Paket 16 x pertemuan
Free Accommodation: Kamar double Bed/ Twin Bed, AC, TV LED 32, Hot/Cold Water, room full furniture, Wi-Fi, Parking
Free Airport Pick Up & Transfer.

—-> Tour ke (5 -10 ) Obyek wisata (TBD)
Transports: Jika ingin menyewa, bisa lihat jenis Mobil di http://www.faststudytour.com/cars
Paket 24 x pertemuan
Free Accommodation: Kamar double Bed/ Twin Bed, AC, TV LED 32, Hot/Cold Water, room full furniture, Wi-Fi, Parking
Free Airport Pick Up & Transfer

—-> Tour ke (5 -10 ) Obyek wisata (TBD)
untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut anda bisa hubungi:
Jl. Raya Dalung Permai No. 12 kerobokan-Kuta Utara
Jl. Raya Pemogan Square No. 29-Denpasar
Tel. 0361 900 4456 /HP 081999025588 / 081353311114
LINE/Whatsapp: 082 34060533
Website www.fastenglishtalk.com atau www.fastenglishtalk.net

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Teknik Menyusun Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Cleaning Up the Room

A: Did you clean your room today?
B: No, not yet.
A: When were you planning on doing that?
B: I'm going to clean it up later.
A: Didn't I ask you to clean it up earlier?
B: I'm going to clean it.
A: I want you to vacuum in your room, and don't forget to dust everything.
B: I know. I'll do it.
A: Make sure you clean it up before you do anything else.
B: I'm not going anywhere until later, so I'll clean it then.

A: Have you begun cleaning up that room of yours?
B: I haven't started yet, but I will.
A: What time are you going to clean it up?
B: I'm planning on cleaning it up a little later.
A: I told you to clean it up earlier.
B: I know. I am still going to clean it up.
A: Make sure you vacuum and dust your room.
B: I won't forget.
A: I don't want you to leave until you clean up.
B: My plans aren't until later, so I'll clean it before I go.

A: Have you started cleaning up your room yet?
B: I haven't gotten started on my room yet.
A: When exactly do you plan on cleaning it?
B: I have every intention of cleaning my room later.
A: I thought I asked you to clean your room earlier.
B: I already told you that I'm going to do it.
A: Remember to vacuum the floor and dust everything.
B: I'll remember to do that.
A: Make sure that you don't go anywhere until you clean your room.
B: I'll clean my room before I leave.

Menyusun Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Talking with Angry Parent

A: Do you realize what time it is?
B: I'm sorry, I lost track of time.
A: Do you honestly believe that that is a good excuse?
B: Not at all--that is what really happened.
A: How many times do I have to ask you to call if you're going to be late?
B: Yes, I know. I must've forgot.
A: That's beside the point, you still should have called.
B: You're right. I'm sorry.
A: Next time you come in late without calling, you're gone.
B: You're really going to kick me out?
A: Yes, maybe then you'll figure out how to follow the rules.
B: Actually, if you kick me out, your rules won't matter anymore.

A: Do you have any idea what time it is?
B: My bad. I didn't realize that it was so late.
A: Do you really think that that excuses your tardiness?
B: Of course not. I really did lose track of time.
A: Didn't I tell you to call when you're running late?
B: Yeah, you did. I just forgot to call.
A: It doesn't matter, you should have called and let me know.
B: That's true. My bad for not calling.
A: If you do this again, don't even bother coming home.
B: You're going to kick me out over this?
A: Exactly, maybe that'll teach you to respect my rules.
B: Well, if I'm not living here anymore, then I won't have to listen to your rules.

A: Do you know how late it is?
B: My fault. I didn't realize what time it was.
A: I hope you don't think that excuse lets you off the hook.
B: Not really. I'm telling the truth.
A: Haven't I asked you to call if you're going to be home late?
B: This is true, but it must've slipped my mind.
A: Regardless, all you had to do was give a call.
B: I know. I should've called.
A: Come home late one more time, and you'll find your stuff outside.
B: You want to throw me out over this?
A: That's right, maybe then you'll respect my rules.
B: That's fine, because if I leave, then your rules won't matter.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Membuat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Borrowing Class Notes

A: Do you have the notes from last week's class?
B: Did you come late?
A: I couldn't make it.
B: Why is that?
A: I was sick.
B: Oh, okay. Well, here you go.
A: Are these all of them?
B: Oh, wait, here are the rest.
A: Thanks a bunch.
B: Don't mention it.

A: Do you mind if I borrow the notes from last week?
B: Were you here last week?
A: I was unable to make it.
B: How come?
A: I was sick that day, and couldn't make it.
B: Well, here are the notes.
A: Are there any more?
B: Sorry, here you go.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: No problem.

A: Let me get last week's notes.
B: Yeah, sure--you didn't come to class that day?
A: I couldn't come.
B: Why not?
A: I wasn't feeling well.
B: Here they are.
A: Thanks a lot; are these all the notes?
B: Oh, no, this is the rest.
A: Thank you very much.
B: It's no problem at all.

Berbagai Contoh Bahasa Inggris Percakapan tentang Finding an Error in Your Test Score

A: Excuse me, Professor. I think there might be an error in my test score.
B: Sure. Do you think that the total is wrong or that you got something marked wrong that should have been marked right?
A: I think that the percentage is incorrect.
B: Let's just go over all of it to double-check.
A: Sure, let's do it.
B: Here is the answer sheet. Do you see a place where I marked something wrong that should have been right?
A: I don't see any mistakes.
B: OK, now that we've gotten those straightened out, let's total the score.
A: Yes, let's total it.
B: Well, if I total that like this and divide by this number, I get this total. Do you agree?
A: Yes, you're right.
B: Well then, we are all straight. Have a good day and thanks for bringing that to my attention.

A: I was looking at my test score and think that it should be higher.
B: Is the math wrong or the way the answer was marked?
A: I think an answer got marked wrong that should have been marked right.
B: These things can happen; let's double-check the answers first to be sure, all right?
A: That would be great!
B: Look at the answer sheet and compare it to your answers. Do you see any place where I made a mistake in grading?
A: This one right here should be right.
B: Yeah, I see the same thing; now we can do the math and check that, right?
A: Yeah, let's do the math.
B: I count all of the correct answers, total them, and divide by the total. Does this look right to you?
A: Looks pretty good.
B: Thank you for caring enough to check on your scores; keep studying!

A: Could we go over some things, because I think my test score is wrong.
B: What do you think is wrong, the math or the way your answer was scored?
A: Both.
B: I am willing to take a second look because teachers make mistakes, too. Will that work for you?
A: Yeah, I'm ready.
B: Check your answers against the ones on the answer sheet and let me know where you see the mistake.
A: These look strange.
B: Yes, I agree; let's move on to the calculating of the score. Would that be OK?
A: OK, let's do the calculation.
B: We add all of these up and divide by this and that gives us this percentage.
A: I see.
B: Anytime you have a question, please feel free to ask!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Describing People-Kursus Bahasa Inggris Percakapan

A: Have you seen the new girl in school?
B: No, I haven't.
A: She's really pretty.
B: Describe her to me.
A: She's not too tall.
B: Well, how tall is she?
A: She's about five feet even.
B: What does she look like, though?
A: She has pretty light brown eyes.
B: I may know which girl you're talking about.
A: So you have seen her around?
B: Yes, I have.

A: There's a new girl in school, have you seen her yet?
B: I haven't seen her yet.
A: I think that she is very pretty.
B: Tell me how she looks.
A: She's kind of short.
B: What height is she?
A: She's probably about five feet.
B: That's nice, but tell me what she looks like.
A: The first thing I noticed was her beautiful brown eyes.
B: I think I might've bumped into her before.
A: Are you telling me that you've seen her before?
B: I believe so.

A: Have you met the new girl?
B: No. Have you?
A: She's one of the prettiest girls at the school.
B: What does she look like?
A: Well, she's quite short.
B: How tall would you say that she is?
A: I would say she's only five feet.
B: What about her facial features?
A: She has light brown eyes, absolutely beautiful.
B: I think I know who you're talking about.
A: Have you seen her?
B: I think that I have.

Contoh Percakapan tentang Calling a Friend-Kursus Bahasa Inggris Percakapan

A: Hello, may I speak to Alice please?
B: This is she. How's it going?
A: I've been trying to call you all day.
B: Sorry about that. I was cleaning up.
A: It's okay.
B: So what were you calling me about?
A: Oh, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.
B: Sure, what did you want to do?
A: Maybe we can go see a movie or something.
B: That sounds like fun. Let's do it.
A: I'll see you tomorrow then.
B: See you then. Goodbye.

A: Hi, how are you. Is Alice there?
B: Speaking. What's up?
A: Why haven't you answered the phone?
B: My bad, I had chores to do.
A: That's all right.
B: What was the reason for your call?
A: I want to do something tomorrow with you.
B: Sounds good. What did you have in mind?
A: I was thinking about seeing a movie.
B: Okay, let's go see a movie.
A: Until then.
B: Talk to you later.

A: Is Alice available?
B: You're talking to her.
A: I've called you a hundred times today.
B: I was busy doing something. I apologize.
A: No problem.
B: Did you need something?
A: Did you want to do something tomorrow?
B: Is there somewhere special you wanted to go?
A: How about a movie?
B: A movie sounds good.
A: Call me tomorrow then.
B: I will see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Apakah anda pernah mendengar bahwa untuk mahir berbicara bahasa inggris tidak perlu berlama-lama, kenapa? Karena berbicara bahasa inggris bukanlah hal yang sulit untuk dilakukan, jika anda penasaran bagaimana caranya segeralah bergabung bersama kami di PRIVATE BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT dengan keunggulan yang kami punya, sebagai berikut:
a.  100% bahasa inggris percakapan sehingga Anda lebih cepat untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.
b. Hanya 16x pertemuan dan 24x pertemuan,ANDA sudah DIJAMIN LANCAR    BERBICARA INGGRIS bahkan dalam 5x belajar saja Anda sudah merasakan kemajuan yang luar biasa karena  Anda  langsung dituntun untuk bercakap-cakap berbahasa inggris (Formal dan Non-formal)
e.  Garansi Uang kembali jika anda tidak mahir berbicara Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan.
h. Difasilitasi multimedia yang praktis dan modren sehingga lebih gampang untuk di pelajari.

PRIVATE BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT ini terbuka untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sampai kepada anda yang sudah bekerja (SD/SMP/SMA/MAHASISWA/UMUM). Tunggu Apa lagi yang lain sudah SUKSES kini giliran ANDA UNTUK SUKSES.
untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut anda bisa hubungi:
Jl. Raya Dalung Permai No. 12 kerobokan-Kuta Utara
Jl. Raya Pemogan Square No. 29-Denpasar
Tel. 0361 900 4456 /HP 081999025588 / 081353311114 
LINE/Whatsapp: 082 34060533
Website www.fastenglishtalk.com atau  www.fastenglishtalk.net


Ada banyak orang yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris, tetapi tidak mempunyai keberanian untuk melakukannya. Anda perlu mengetahui bahwa untuk mempelajari bahasa inggris tidaklah sesulit yang ada bayangkan. Jika anda sudah tahu dasarnya dan bagaimana cara mempelajarinya, maka bahasa inggris itu akan semakin mudah untuk anda pelajari, terutama untuk menggunakannya dalam percakapan. Anda tidak perlu takut salah, beranikanlah diri anda, karena bahasa inggris hanya mampu dikuasai jika dipraktekkan. Untuk itu, jika anda merasa bahwa anda perlu membutuhkan tempat kursus yang siap membantu anda, maka segeralah bergabung bersama kami di PRIVATE BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT dengan keunggulan yang kami punya, sebagai berikut:
a.  100% bahasa inggris percakapan sehingga Anda lebih cepat untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.
b. Hanya 16x pertemuan dan 24x pertemuan,ANDA sudah DIJAMIN LANCAR    BERBICARA INGGRIS bahkan dalam 5x belajar saja Anda sudah merasakan kemajuan yang luar biasa karena  Anda  langsung dituntun untuk bercakap-cakap berbahasa inggris (Formal dan Non-formal)
e.  Garansi Uang kembali jika anda tidak mahir berbicara Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan.
h. Difasilitasi multimedia yang praktis dan modren sehingga lebih gampang untuk di pelajari.

PRIVATE BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT ini terbuka untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sampai kepada anda yang sudah bekerja (SD/SMP/SMA/MAHASISWA/UMUM). Tunggu Apa lagi yang lain sudah SUKSES kini giliran ANDA UNTUK SUKSES.
untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut anda bisa hubungi:
Jl. Raya Dalung Permai No. 12 kerobokan-Kuta Utara
Jl. Raya Pemogan Square No. 29-Denpasar
Tel. 0361 900 4456 /HP 081999025588 / 081353311114 
LINE/Whatsapp: 082 34060533
Website www.fastenglishtalk.com atau  www.fastenglishtalk.net

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Ingin lebih cepat mahir berbicara bahasa inggris percakapan? Segeralah bergabung bersama kami di di PRIVATE BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT dengan keunggulan yang kami punya, sebagai berikut:
a.  100% bahasa inggris percakapan sehingga Anda lebih cepat untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.
b. Hanya 16x pertemuan dan 24x pertemuan,ANDA sudah DIJAMIN LANCAR    BERBICARA INGGRIS bahkan dalam 5x belajar saja Anda sudah merasakan kemajuan yang luar biasa karena  Anda  langsung dituntun untuk bercakap-cakap berbahasa inggris (Formal dan Non-formal)
e.  Garansi Uang kembali jika anda tidak mahir berbicara Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan.
h. Difasilitasi multimedia yang praktis dan modren sehingga lebih gampang untuk di pelajari.

PRIVATE BAHASA INGGRIS PERCAKAPAN TERCEPAT ini terbuka untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sampai kepada anda yang sudah bekerja (SD/SMP/SMA/MAHASISWA/UMUM). Tunggu Apa lagi yang lain sudah SUKSES kini giliran ANDA UNTUK SUKSES.
untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut anda bisa hubungi:
Jl. Raya Dalung Permai No. 12 kerobokan-Kuta Utara
Jl. Raya Pemogan Square No. 29-Denpasar
Tel. 0361 900 4456 /HP 081999025588 / 081353311114 
LINE/Whatsapp: 082 34060533

Website www.fastenglishtalk.com atau  www.fastenglishtalk.net