Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Teknik Menyusun Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Cleaning Up the Room

A: Did you clean your room today?
B: No, not yet.
A: When were you planning on doing that?
B: I'm going to clean it up later.
A: Didn't I ask you to clean it up earlier?
B: I'm going to clean it.
A: I want you to vacuum in your room, and don't forget to dust everything.
B: I know. I'll do it.
A: Make sure you clean it up before you do anything else.
B: I'm not going anywhere until later, so I'll clean it then.

A: Have you begun cleaning up that room of yours?
B: I haven't started yet, but I will.
A: What time are you going to clean it up?
B: I'm planning on cleaning it up a little later.
A: I told you to clean it up earlier.
B: I know. I am still going to clean it up.
A: Make sure you vacuum and dust your room.
B: I won't forget.
A: I don't want you to leave until you clean up.
B: My plans aren't until later, so I'll clean it before I go.

A: Have you started cleaning up your room yet?
B: I haven't gotten started on my room yet.
A: When exactly do you plan on cleaning it?
B: I have every intention of cleaning my room later.
A: I thought I asked you to clean your room earlier.
B: I already told you that I'm going to do it.
A: Remember to vacuum the floor and dust everything.
B: I'll remember to do that.
A: Make sure that you don't go anywhere until you clean your room.
B: I'll clean my room before I leave.

Menyusun Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Talking with Angry Parent

A: Do you realize what time it is?
B: I'm sorry, I lost track of time.
A: Do you honestly believe that that is a good excuse?
B: Not at all--that is what really happened.
A: How many times do I have to ask you to call if you're going to be late?
B: Yes, I know. I must've forgot.
A: That's beside the point, you still should have called.
B: You're right. I'm sorry.
A: Next time you come in late without calling, you're gone.
B: You're really going to kick me out?
A: Yes, maybe then you'll figure out how to follow the rules.
B: Actually, if you kick me out, your rules won't matter anymore.

A: Do you have any idea what time it is?
B: My bad. I didn't realize that it was so late.
A: Do you really think that that excuses your tardiness?
B: Of course not. I really did lose track of time.
A: Didn't I tell you to call when you're running late?
B: Yeah, you did. I just forgot to call.
A: It doesn't matter, you should have called and let me know.
B: That's true. My bad for not calling.
A: If you do this again, don't even bother coming home.
B: You're going to kick me out over this?
A: Exactly, maybe that'll teach you to respect my rules.
B: Well, if I'm not living here anymore, then I won't have to listen to your rules.

A: Do you know how late it is?
B: My fault. I didn't realize what time it was.
A: I hope you don't think that excuse lets you off the hook.
B: Not really. I'm telling the truth.
A: Haven't I asked you to call if you're going to be home late?
B: This is true, but it must've slipped my mind.
A: Regardless, all you had to do was give a call.
B: I know. I should've called.
A: Come home late one more time, and you'll find your stuff outside.
B: You want to throw me out over this?
A: That's right, maybe then you'll respect my rules.
B: That's fine, because if I leave, then your rules won't matter.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Membuat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Borrowing Class Notes

A: Do you have the notes from last week's class?
B: Did you come late?
A: I couldn't make it.
B: Why is that?
A: I was sick.
B: Oh, okay. Well, here you go.
A: Are these all of them?
B: Oh, wait, here are the rest.
A: Thanks a bunch.
B: Don't mention it.

A: Do you mind if I borrow the notes from last week?
B: Were you here last week?
A: I was unable to make it.
B: How come?
A: I was sick that day, and couldn't make it.
B: Well, here are the notes.
A: Are there any more?
B: Sorry, here you go.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: No problem.

A: Let me get last week's notes.
B: Yeah, sure--you didn't come to class that day?
A: I couldn't come.
B: Why not?
A: I wasn't feeling well.
B: Here they are.
A: Thanks a lot; are these all the notes?
B: Oh, no, this is the rest.
A: Thank you very much.
B: It's no problem at all.

Berbagai Contoh Bahasa Inggris Percakapan tentang Finding an Error in Your Test Score

A: Excuse me, Professor. I think there might be an error in my test score.
B: Sure. Do you think that the total is wrong or that you got something marked wrong that should have been marked right?
A: I think that the percentage is incorrect.
B: Let's just go over all of it to double-check.
A: Sure, let's do it.
B: Here is the answer sheet. Do you see a place where I marked something wrong that should have been right?
A: I don't see any mistakes.
B: OK, now that we've gotten those straightened out, let's total the score.
A: Yes, let's total it.
B: Well, if I total that like this and divide by this number, I get this total. Do you agree?
A: Yes, you're right.
B: Well then, we are all straight. Have a good day and thanks for bringing that to my attention.

A: I was looking at my test score and think that it should be higher.
B: Is the math wrong or the way the answer was marked?
A: I think an answer got marked wrong that should have been marked right.
B: These things can happen; let's double-check the answers first to be sure, all right?
A: That would be great!
B: Look at the answer sheet and compare it to your answers. Do you see any place where I made a mistake in grading?
A: This one right here should be right.
B: Yeah, I see the same thing; now we can do the math and check that, right?
A: Yeah, let's do the math.
B: I count all of the correct answers, total them, and divide by the total. Does this look right to you?
A: Looks pretty good.
B: Thank you for caring enough to check on your scores; keep studying!

A: Could we go over some things, because I think my test score is wrong.
B: What do you think is wrong, the math or the way your answer was scored?
A: Both.
B: I am willing to take a second look because teachers make mistakes, too. Will that work for you?
A: Yeah, I'm ready.
B: Check your answers against the ones on the answer sheet and let me know where you see the mistake.
A: These look strange.
B: Yes, I agree; let's move on to the calculating of the score. Would that be OK?
A: OK, let's do the calculation.
B: We add all of these up and divide by this and that gives us this percentage.
A: I see.
B: Anytime you have a question, please feel free to ask!